Two payment plans available:

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Doctorate of Theology



  1. To qualify for the doctorate program, you must be in active ministry for a minimal of five years.
  • A Pastors Confidential Reference Form must be filled out form all pastors the candidate has served under in the last five years
  • Transcripts Request Form will be complied before candidate will be consider for program.
  • A Ministry Life Experience Application must be filled out. The candidate must pass this application by 85 points.
  • A New Life Bible College application for degree form must the completed.
  1. At the completion of this program, you must obtain a minimal of 186 academic credits hours.
  2. To be considered for a Doctorate of Theology, one must have a Master of Theology or be a   graduate of New Life Bible College Master Program.
  1. All other candidates will receive a Doctorate of Ministry.


The Program


  1. The candidate will do 30 eight-hour days of work in a designated church. Physical work.  (240 working hours)
           16 Credit hours


  1. The candidate will also oversee a major area in a church to relieve A Pastor or staff of the work. Ministry Leadership work. (15 eight hours days)
           10 Credit hours


  1. Two essays’ of 2500 words, One on Prayer and one on Faithfulness.
          6 Credit hours


  1. The Candidate will keep a Prayer Journal for the entire time of the program.
        4 Credit hours


  1. A 150-page dissertation written on the Comparison and Contrast of the teachings of these men:  Norvel Hayes, Kenneth E. Hagin Lester Sumrall, T.L Osborn E.W Keyon, Charles Capps


Have any questions that you want answered before you sign up? We’re more than happy to address them!


You will be contacted with instructions via email  as soon as the registration and confirmation process is complete.